Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Welcome back.

Welcome back.  What's been happening?

So, in the years if hiatus, a few things have changed and a few things have not.  A hotelier-cum-reality show star has become the most powerful man in the world.  Homosexual marriage is now the law of the land.  Celebrity culture dominates the landscape, from every corner of the globe.  Terrorists and their sponsors (same thing) use every means at their disposal to disrupt normal society.  And free speech is now illegal in its birth country.  

But some things do not change.  Unborn babies are still being murdered at an astonishing rate.  Un-hinged gunmen are still shooting up gun-free zones.  And arguments around these divisive topics seem to generate more heat than light.

So why come back to this little, un-visited corner of the blogosphere?  Good question.  Perhaps we need to vent, some place other than Facebook.  Perhaps in a form that requires longer word structures than 140 characters.  Perhaps there is something worth saying which will be said...at least occasionally.

This blog is named for the Second Thief, crucified with Jesus, traditionally known as Saint Dysmas.  Like our namesake, this blog knows his abject humility before God's Righteous Lamb.  He knows he is justly condemned for his crimes, while Jesus is innocent and un-stained.  And like Dysmas, he prays that his Lord will take him up into Paradise at the renewing of the world.

And this Dysmas will have things to say...at least, occasionally.

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