Friday, October 14, 2011

What Must I Do to Be Saved?

I am a big fan of Professor Scot McKnight ever since I saw him speak at a Youth Specialties conference awhile back.  I love his "The Blue Parakeet" and "Jesus Creed".  Both of them are challenging, thought-provoking works which will lay assault to sleepy spiritual apathy.  Now he's written "The King Jesus Gospel" and he is blogging about questions his readers are asking.

The question of what comprises the gospel and how we are compelled to respond to it hits us where we live and concerns questions I have been asking quite a bit recently.

I was taught that salvation comes only after reciting the so-called Sinner's Prayer.  McKnight says that this prayer "emerges from the soterian gospel which has for years invited people to pray a prayer to 'receive Christ' or to 'ask God’s forgiveness in Jesus Christ' etc."  His answer is worth reading.

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