Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Creed as Plum Line

Paraphrasing Rowan Williams (see Tokens of Trust), the Archbishop of Canterbury, only three humans are named in the Apostles’ Creed: Jesus, Mary, and Pontius Pilate.  Consider this for one moment.  There is Jesus the Messiah, the LORD and Saviour of the World, who was, and is, and is to come, by Whom all things were made, visible and invisible.  There is Mary, His mother.  She it is who says ‘yes' to Him.  There is also Pontius Pilate, the Roman Imperial governor of Palestine.  He it is who says ‘no’ to Him.

If you think about it, these three “actors” in the Divine Drama map out the entire territory of our existence.  Throughout our lives, we swing like a plum line between one pole or the other, depending on how we answer the Peterine question: “Who do you say that I am?” 

We move either towards a deeper ‘yes’ or a deeper ‘no.’ 

And in the middle of it all stands the One who makes sense of it all: Jesus, into Whose life we must all try to grow, Who can work with our ‘yes’, and can even overcome our ‘no.’

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