Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can't Stand the Guy. Really.

Can I spare a moment to rant?

So I shared a plane ride home with a guy who was a stranger. We became friends because of common values and similar preferences, not to mention similarly disposed attitudes to those inferior to us. In other words, he is a recovering arrogant Pharisee as am I.

The main difference between him and I is that he’s a published author and I am…well, I am a semi-blogger. I would love to publish something. The trouble is that I do not have the voice this guy has. Can’t stand him now. Jerk. How dare he write a book and get it published at his age? Who does he think he is?

Oh, and did I mention that the book is actually good? Talk about salt in the wound.

OK, so let me sum it up: young guy working a real business career, published author of a book which is not only theologically sound, but also stylistically engaging. Isn’t there some imprecatory Psalm I can quote at him or something?

The book, incidentally and in all seriousness, is outstanding: 'Crave'. The author is the very young (to me) and very talented Chris Tomlinson. Look for the book at Amazon or wherever fine books are sold (as they say). And look for the author at

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