Tuesday, March 21, 2023

MANNA: It's what for dinner


Reading through Exodus 16, the chapter where God beings to feed Israel with Manna from Heaven,  we are reminded of the classic promotional campaign for America's beef industry. Why, you ask? Because of their slogan: Beef. It's what's for dinner.

The first campaign, with television and radio spots narrated by the late Robert Mitchum, voiced over the classi Aaron Copeland composition "Hoe Down", were wildly successful campaign for them.  The slogan has an 88% name recognition among Americans.  Which is one of the reasons we firs think it when we think of MANNA.
In Exodus 16, Israel begins to receive MANNA (מָן) from Heaven from the LORD everyday.  You probably know the story.  If you do not, pause right now and read chapter 16. 
Some of us read about MANNA and hear the classic Keith Green song, "So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt", running through your head.  Banana Bread will never be the same for you.

So why the beef slogan? Because "MANNA" means what. Actually, what it means is "What, please" -- combining MAH (a very flexible Hebrew pronoun that means "what", as well as "why", "how", "where", etc.) with the word NA (נָא), which means "please", "pray", and even "now". 
So, MANNA is literally "what, please"?  As in, "What the heck is this stuff that's fallen from Heaven?"
Incidentally, the word NA is behind the victorious chant of the people when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday: HOSHA-NA.  Save us, now (or save us, please).
MANNA...It's WHAT for dinner.

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