Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Bible Geek Word Nerd - Peacemaker

1 November 2021

One of Jesus' most famous sets of sayings takes place during St. Matthew's record of the Sermon on the Mount. We are (during this season of division across our Body Politic) brought back to Jesus' extolling of the virtues of being a PEACEMAKER ("Blessed are the peacemakers..." or "cheesemakers" as the Monty Pythons misheard it).
The Greek word Matthew uses (EIRENOPOIOI / εἰρηνοποιοί) is a portmanteau of two other words:
EIRÉNÉ / εἰρήνη means "peace, quietness, rest, undisturbed"
POIEÓ / ποιέω means "to make, to do, to manufacture"
Jesus, who almost certainly was not speaking Greek to his Jewish audience, probably would have used a very common Hebrew expression: "OSEH SHALOM", which means "doer or maker of peace". Drawn for the Book of Job, it was said daily phrase in the concluding blessing of the Amidah (or Standing) Prayer of ancient Judaism.
"May He Who makes peace (OSEH SHALOM) in His high places make peace (YA'ASEH SHALOM) for us, and for all Israel. And say ye, Amen."
In both the Job verse and the prayer, God Himself is the peacemaker. When mankind takes on a peacemaking role, they are like their Father in heaven (AVINU SHABASHAMAYIM) and are thus children of God.

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