Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Bible Geek Word Nerd - Description vs Prescription

Describe or Prescribe

July 19, 2022

We follow The Bible for Normal People with Pete Enns. Sometimes we love what he writes or says; sometimes we do not love what he writes or says. But whatever he writes or says, he makes us think. "As iron (BARZEL בַּרְזֶל in Hebrew) sharpens (CHADAD חָדַד in Hebrew), so one man sharpens another."

This short clip is an excellent explication of the important difference between DESCRIPTIVE and PRESCRIPTIVE readings of the Bible. And we heartily endorse what he says at the end about wrestling (ABAQ אָבַק as Jacob wrestled with "the man" before crossing the river into the Promised Land) with the Bible, with thoughtfulness and patience.


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