Friday, September 30, 2011

Lean to the left, lean to the right...

Stand up, Sit down, vote, vote, vote
A friend who is a pastor referenced an article by Jim Wallis at the Huffington Post which only reinforces the difficulty I have with the easy generalizing trap we sometimes fall into.  What does it mean to be "evangelical"?   

The good news -- the Good News -- is that Jesus came to save sinners, of whom I am chief.  But did He come to save me so that I am part of His club (yay!  I am now IN!  Heaven is my reward!)?  Or did He save me so that I can be part of His movement which is supposed to remake this world?

What do we do after we believe?  And how then should we live?

Am I left or am I right?  It's not that simple.  Well, maybe it's simple, but not easy.  

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